Arranging can be a place where one can find great happiness and great despair. To put into proper order or into correct or suitable sequence. How can art, with in the borders of formalistic qualities, follow a suitable sequence of events? I feel that in order to understand the ideals behind the arranging of objects, thoughts or even processes one must be ready to dig from the bottom and surface. Now to cap it, how can art outside the borders of formalism be arranged? I think that once an "object" is arranged or thought to be, formal qualities immediately come into play. To arrange the Artist must impose her/his will onto the material. In a way by relating to or involving the outward form, structures, relationships, or arrangement of elements rather than content, you must accept the ways of formalism. Can you work out side it? I would like to say yes, but, how? In fact, here formalism is seeming to be the guidelines for art work at its essence. What about working with old materials hat had/ have formalist qualities? can you work with a ideal without being completely inside it?
Vincent Finazzo 11/1/08